From May 26th Waterford court will resume civil sittings, dealing with Waterford and Dungarvan lists.
Waterford is one of the first regional courthouses resuming regular Circuit Civil and Family Law Court business.
Two judges will be sitting with allocated time slots for each case and social distancing protocols in place to ensure limited numbers in the building and court rooms.
The Courts Service have, for some time, been working on a range of both physical and organisational measures to enable a significant increase to take place in physical hearings. Those measures are designed to maximise the safety of the environment in which physical hearings can be conducted.
Courtrooms are being laid out with physically distanced spaces. Cases will be listed at staggered times and distinct case types will be organised differently.
The Chief Justice has indicated that more use of Virtual Courts and the extended use of safe physical courts, with organised physical distance, will allow for an increased number of cases to be heard to in the coming weeks. As safety is paramount it will be necessary to ensure that all measures are in place before a significant increase in throughput can take place.
Further Circuit Court Civil and Family Law sessions are now being planned to take place in June.
NB – This is a guide for information purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. If you have an issue requiring legal advice, please contact any of the team at Nolan Farrell & Goff, whose numbers can be found on our website,