Family Law, Childcare Waterford
Few things in life are as challenging as deteriorating family relationships, especially those that involve children. Nolan Farrell & Goff’s team of compassionate, caring, and experienced family lawyers understand the unique challenges facing families in such trying times.
Our skilled family lawyers are knowledgeable and experienced in all facets of family law and related issues including family home and financial disputes. Our unwavering commitment to putting children first is a hallmark of our representation and together these skills ensure that every aspect of your situation is clearly explained and resolved.
Our family law services in Waterford include:
- Children and social services
- Child protection
- Divorce
- Judicial separation
- Mediation
- Guardianship and Custody
- Children’s access and maintenance
- Cohabitation
- Injunctions and emergency remedies
- International family law
- Child abduction and relocation
- Mental Health
- Disability Law
We are available to speak with you in relation to any of the above matters. Simply call our office on 051 859999 or email to book a consultation with one of our experienced family law and childcare law solicitors in Waterford.